Kala Surf Camp

At Kala Surf Camp, our goal is to make your Bali surf trip effortless. We've chosen the best location on the island – by the world-class Uluwatu surf spot. With crystal-clear waters and three convenient reef breaks, all within walking distance from your room, we ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Surf Coach

Making your surf trip great!

Kala Surf Camp goal is to make your Bali surf trip the smoothest possible. We picked the best location in the whole island, the world-class spot of Uluwatu. Clear water and three reef breaks walking distance from your room.

We built a comfortable place where you can meet fellow surfers with all the amenities to make your stay a memorable experience.

We offer adventures, guidance, training, rentals, a cozy garden with a big pool and restaurant, western quality hygiene and an all encompassing approach fully immersed in the local culture.

Kala Surf Camp satisfies all levels from beginner to expert, you to feel pampered and cared for.


Please help us as a community to be more sustainable. Kala Surf Camp has established a variety of projects to protect the environment and we needyour help.


Installing trashcans on Local Beaches

Kala Surf Camp has installed trashcans on the beaches around us. These trash cans shall be used to prevent trash from being blown from the beaches to the ocean. All trash cans are maintained by Kala Surf Camp staff.

Plastic Reduction Policy

Kala Surf Camp has reduced the use of plastic in the camp already intensively. We try to negotiate with all our suppliers to reduce the usage of plastic in their deliveries and we use reusable material where ever we can. In Kala Surf Camp we do not sell any beverages in plastic bottles. We offer free water provided by environmentally friendly water dispensers in our camp.

Water Awareness

Fresh and clean water is a rare and precious commodity in this area. Please try to be mindful and keep your water consumption to a minimum. Almost all the local water in Uluwatu is delivered by water trucks. These trucks are old and cause more local pollution and traffic. Kala Surf Camp has invested in a sustainable rain water solution that allows us to provide water to you that is not delivered by truck. Our local tanks are able to provide enough water even in times when the delivery of water is interrupted.